by JannaRoznos | Dec 30, 2024 | Goals for 2025, Musings
Um, no. Even with the New Year just days away, I’m still the same. I wish I transformed into the ‘new’ better version of myself with the flip of a calendar, but I don’t. I actually don’t know anyone that does. However with the New Year I...
by JannaRoznos | Dec 14, 2016 | Goals for 2017, Musings, Uncategorized, What Am I Doing?, Writing
I’ve never kept any New Year’s resolutions. Sure I thought up a few but once the party is over. Once I am back into the routine of my daily life . . . those resolutions I was so eager to start, work through, and eventually achieve, are forgotten. So...
by JannaRoznos | Jul 26, 2016 | Musings, What Am I Doing?
Courtesy of Google ImagesI spent twenty minutes this afternoon staring at the Back to School section at Target looking for my favorite pens. Surprised to say, I must be the only one who liked them, because I couldn’t find them. I walked out empty handed and...
by JannaRoznos | Jul 21, 2016 | Musings, RWA Conferences, Uncategorized, Writing
I am home. And, my head is still percolating with ideas, thoughts and techniques from my first RWA conference. Besides getting to meet some of my favorite authors (No, I didn’t take pictures with them). I did take some stellar workshops and learned a few things...
by JannaRoznos | Sep 7, 2014 | Musings
I can’t do two activities at the same time. Well, I shouldn’t say I can’t what I should say is that if I try and do two activities at the same time I do neither of them very well. Multi-tasking is a concept that seems to have run rampant through out American...
by JannaRoznos | Jul 25, 2014 | Musings
The first day of school. The first job. The first kiss. The first in line. The first time. The first is an important landmark in our lives: our first steps (we may not remember, but our parent(s) probably do or our first date (perhaps we may like to forget this first)...