Does the New Year mean a New Me?

Um, no. Even with the New Year just days away, I’m still the same. I wish I transformed into the ‘new’ better version of myself with the flip of a calendar, but I don’t. I actually don’t know anyone that does. However with the New Year I...
Looking for a pen

Looking for a pen

Courtesy of Google ImagesI spent twenty minutes this afternoon staring at the Back to School section at Target looking for my favorite pens. Surprised to say, I must be the only one who liked them, because I couldn’t find them. I walked out empty handed and...

Multi- tasking? Nope. Not me.

I can’t do two activities at the same time. Well, I shouldn’t say I can’t what I should say is that if I try and do two activities at the same time I do neither of them very well. Multi-tasking is a concept that seems to have run rampant through out American...

The First.

The first day of school. The first job. The first kiss. The first in line. The first time. The first is an important landmark in our lives: our first steps (we may not remember, but our parent(s) probably do or our first date (perhaps we may like to forget this first)...