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NaNoWriMo Challenge for 2023

The start of NaNoWriMo is tomorrow, November 1st.

I think this might be the third or fourth time I’ve tried to participate in it. I’ve never ‘won’ NaNoWriMo, I’ve gotten close to the final word count but was always short. A few years ago, I did participate in some of their writing meetups, which was fun, but they don’t seem to have those anymore – at least not where I live. Perhaps another casualty of COVID

This year may not be any different, but I’m going in to try these thirty days with the hope that maybe, perhaps, I can get a rough draft of a novel done.

I’m also – keeping our fingers crossed- going to post here each day and do the NaNoWriMo Challenge which is thirty questions about why I’m doing NaNoWriMo but also about my process of writing – you know, those questions you get . . . Are you a plotter or a panther? Favorite writing tools? Write in the morning or late at night? Etc., etc., etc.

So, let’s jump in!

Question No. 1 for the first day is:

What is your work-in-progress (WIP) Working Title?

It’s, A Stranger Amongst Us. And it’s about Grace, a middle-aged woman who commands some pretty, intense sensory powers although she’s not sure why or how she does it – at least at the beginning of the book. She is accused of murder and must reluctantly work with the local detective (who she is attracted to) to clear her name.

So, I think it would fall into the paranormal category or maybe even romantic suspense or romantic paranormal suspense. I can figure that all out later. The odd thing I want to point out is this is not something I would normally read, although I’ve gotten sort of ‘burned out’ on historical, and contemporaries and I guess I just needed something new to read. So, I’ve been reaching for this genre instead.

So let the ‘word smithing’ begin and let’s see how far I can get this month. Hope to be here again tomorrow – fingers crossed!


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