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NaNoWriMo Challenge #4

What are your writing rituals?

Rituals give comfort, keep the balance and are habits that we might love to have or might be annoying.

Writing rituals, for me don’t come naturally. I’ve had to force myself to keep any sort of ritual and I’ve tried lots of writing habits over the years and have kept some and tossed.

So below are my top five writing rituals that I have figured out work best for me:

  1. I try and write every day. Even if it’s a few lines or hopefully a word count topping off in more than three digits. I feel better (mentally) getting the words down even if the words I do get down are tossed aside later in a rewrite.
  2. I write by myself. I thought I could be one of those writers that hung out at the local coffee house sipping a brew tapping away on my keyboard – but I’m not. I need to feel ‘safe’ to write and in the local coffee house there are too many people coming and going, too may disjointed conversations swirling around me, and uncomfortable chairs with too small of tables. I do, however, like the frozen slushy coffee drinks!
  3. I need music to write. Usually classical although on the streaming service I subscribe to they’re lots of diverse music options to choose from, and the choices are always changing, too.
  4. My zoom writing group. I know, it sounds like I’m contradicting myself . . . Didn’t you just say you write alone? However, hear me out . . .being involved in a zoom writing group is the best of both worlds: I can write alone from the comfort of my desk, and I get to talk ‘shop’ with other writers. And for me, there is the accountability element of the group which has helped me progress with my writing.
  5. And finally, I walk. Every morning before sitting down to write. It’s a great way to start the day, watching the sun rise, listening to my footsteps on the concrete sidewalk. Every morning walk reminds on how fortunate I am to write.

Until next time,


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